Friday, March 19, 2010

Running through the fields / Correr pelos campos

Running through the fields: A sublime exercise of freedom, the second in its range right after flapping the wings over them. This work was also an exercise of freedom in the sense that through it I tried to rid myself of some of the obstacles that sometimes block my desire to portray more natural landscapes, despite the humanized side of cultivated fields in this one... The truth is that, although never having the intention of "realism", being not so familiar with the countless forms of nature and its organization in the landscape the same way that, better or worse, I am with the different architectures in my territory, makes me hesitate at the time to take this step. It is curious that, having made the choice of painting imaginary landscapes based on memory and observation by the supposed total freedom that this exercise would give me, I eventually finish putting these barriers on my own head... In this work's case, I decided that rather than portray the landscape as it should be, wanted to portray the feeling she wakes on me, and the truth is that I'm happy with the result. Why complicate what is simple?
Regardless of how much I still have to learn in the future that may allow me to gather the "best of both worlds", it is decided that I'll "run through the fields" again!
Correr pelos campos: Um sublime exercício de liberdade, o segundo na sua escala logo a seguir a bater as asas sobre eles. Este trabalho foi também um exercício de liberdade, no sentido em que através dele procurei libertar-me de alguns dos constrangimentos que por vezes bloqueiam o meu desejo de retratar paisagens mais naturais, pese embora neste caso o lado humanizado dos campos cultivados... A verdade é que, embora nunca tenha a pretensão do “realismo”, o facto de não estar familiarizado com as incontáveis formas da Natureza e respectiva organização na paisagem da mesma forma com que, melhor ou pior, vou estando com as diversas arquitecturas no nosso território, faz-me hesitar na hora de dar esse passo. É curioso que, tendo feito a opção de pintar paisagens imaginárias baseadas na memória e observação pela suposta liberdade total que esse exercício me concederia, acabe por colocar estes entraves na própria cabeça... No caso deste trabalho decidi que, mais do que retratar a paisagem como deveria ser, queria retratar o sentimento que ela me desperta, e a verdade é que o resultado me satisfez. Para quê complicar o que é simples?
Independentemente do muito que espero ainda vir a aprender no futuro e que me permita reunir o “melhor dos dois mundos”, está decidido que voltarei a “correr pelos campos”!
Fabriano Artistico rough 7"x 5" - 140lb (18x12,5cm - 300g/m2) paper
Available: Click here / Disponível: Clique aqui


Julio Rodrigues said...

Pode-se cheirar a Primavera. Lindo.

Paulo J. Mendes said...

Nem acredito que está quase à porta! Na verdade, alguns "sintomas" já eram visíveis.
Bom fim-de-semana!!

dominique eichi said...

This piece is SO beautiful. It expresses freedom, new life, hope, excitement, and so much more.
I just love this one.

Unknown said...

this boy seems enjoying early
spring with his dog.
And this dog looks very happy with
him! very nice drawing.
Tell me about DQTL!


Paulo J. Mendes said...

Dominique, thanks for your description. It was indeed an attempt to express those feelings.
Wish you a great weekend!

Thank you, C. I'll let you know about everything and we shall speak soon.

RobCarey said...

Fabulous, Paulo. I too love the sense of freedom here, and the realism you've achieved.

F.M.Marrouch said...

Hola Paulo, es un trabajio lleno d eluz y alegría, da ganas de correr con el niño y darse un baño en el río.

Paulo J. Mendes said...

Rob, thanks so much. I'm really happy that this work could express those feelings.

Gracias, Francis. Quisiera estar en el lugar del niño y correrme hacia el río...

Hugs / Saludos!!