Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pruning and chatting / A podar e a conversar

Now is that time of the year when many good people get perched on the top of a ladder - if the vines are overhead - and is committed to the task of preparing them for the coming year: A mix of deciduous leaves and endless twigs disappears, leaving only what is of twisted and sculptural interest to keep for the new cycle in which all will resume. Pruning the vines requires wisdom and may have its techniques and its secrets, and those will certainly be at the knowledge of the gentleman who holds forth below, showing his supposed skills to the gentleman above, who listens patiently while thinking "all right, but if you think you know so much you should be up here in my place! ".
Chegou a altura do ano em que muito boa gente se empoleira no alto de uma escada - se for o caso de as vinhas estarem por cima da cabeça - e se empenha na tarefa de as preparar para o ano seguinte: Uma amálgama de folhas mortas e raminhos sem fim desaparece, ficando apenas aquilo que de retorcido e escultural interessa conservar para o novo ciclo em que tudo recomeçará. A poda da vinha exige sabedoria e terá as suas técnicas e os seus segredos, e será decerto sobre estes que o cavalheiro em baixo disserta, mostrando assim os seus conhecimentos ao cavalheiro de cima, que o ouve pacientemente enquanto pensa “pois pois, mas se achas que sabes tanto devias era estar cá em cima no meu lugar!”.
Fabriano cold pressed 7"x 5" - 90lb (18cm x 12cm - 200g/m2) paper
Sold / Vendido


RobCarey said...

Great scene. This is very common sight here in rural Germany as well. The ladders they employ reach so high into the orchard trees, I would be afraid to climb to the top. Is that a little broom there on the left side? It looks similar to the little brooms they use to sweep streets here.

Paulo J. Mendes said...

I would be afraid to climb to the top of these ladders too, Rob, even if they are strongly built...
At the left side it isn't a broom but a section of the tree you see behind the house, which name I actually don't know, but that are widely seen here in northern Portugal. Their strong leaves are often used to tie the vine branches to the wires.

GlorV1 said...

I love this painting. My dad always climbed trees to prune. My husband prunes our trees as well. I really like this painting and I notice one thing missing....know what that is?
A family pet member. You always have a dog or cat in your paintings. I was looking for one and if there is one, it is well hidden. None the less, I always love your paintings. Hope your Thanksgiving was great. Take care and thx for sharing your great work.

Paulo J. Mendes said...

You are very right, Gloria, I forgot to include a four-legged friend in this painting... Distractive me, as streets like this one always have at least a small cute dog wandering around :))
Hope your Thanksgiving was great too. We actually don't celebrate it in my country, but the weekend was very nice and peaceful .