Sunday, November 9, 2008

A manor house / Uma casa solarenga

In the northern Portugal, it isn't rare that these manor houses, which we are used to imagine as a huge baroque building, include sometimes a primitive medieval tower, as a reminder of the ancestry of the owning families. In this case, seen from a backyard patio, an enclosed upper gallery connects the two distinct bodies, like a bridge between generations.
Não é raro, pelo menos aqui pelo Norte, que em certas casas solarengas que estamos mais habituados a associar a grandes edifícios barrocos, existam primitivas torres medievais, prova da ancestralidade das famílias proprietárias. Neste caso, visto desde um pátio traseiro, uma passagem superior em túnel faz a ligação entre os dois corpos distintos, como que uma ponte entre gerações.
Fabriano cold-pressed 7"x5" - 90lb (18x12,5cm - 200g/m2) paper
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Julio Rodrigues said...

I know you paint many imaginary scenes. Is this one of them? If not, where is this beauty?
If it is imaginary, you truly have a remarkable imagination!

Paulo J. Mendes said...

It is imaginary, Villager, but the inspiration was taken from many of these houses that can be found in the Minho.