Sunday, November 8, 2009

Smells like Autumn / Já cheira a Outono

The arrival of Autumn, after a month of October that still smelled as Summer, is finally being felt among us. The landscape begins to change color, bare branches start appearing in trees, and the vine leaves are now painted with fine gold with exquisite touches of red before falling, in an ephemeral show that worth a visit. Completing the portrait of the season, the inevitable wood burning smoke loaded with scents. The regions of Marco and Baião, which inspired this work, occur to me whenever I think of all this atmosphere, perhaps because of the enormous proportions that sometimes can be found in the traditional house's chimneys...
Após um mês de Outubro que ainda cheirava a Verão, começa finalmente a sentir-se entre nós a chegada do Outono. A paisagem começa a mudar de cor, ramos nus aparecem as árvores e as folhas das vinhas pintam-se de dourado com requintados toques de vermelho escuro antes de caírem, num espectáculo efémero que vale a pena a deslocação. A completar o quadro da época, o inevitável fumo de lenha carregado de aromas. As regiões do Marco e de Baião, que inspiraram este trabalho, ocorrem-me sempre que penso em toda esta atmosfera, talvez por causa das enormes proporções que por vezes se lá encontram nas chaminés das casas tradicionais...
Fabriano cold pressed 7"x 5" - 90lb (18x12,5cm - 200g/m2) paper
Etsy shop: Click here / Loja Etsy: Clique aqui


Suzanne@threepeats said...

You can smell the wood burning in all the fireplaces in upstate New York too, although the chimneys are not as large as this one! It does signal the onset of cold weather!

Paulo J. Mendes said...

Indeed, Suzanne: This is one of the delights of this season. And if the smoke happens to come from a wood burning cooker where some traditional meal is being prepared, a passport to Heaven is granted :))

Anonymous said...

Interesting; I associate certain smells with autumn too. Wonderful painting!

Paulo J. Mendes said...

Thank you, Peggy. It's definitely a sweet, favorite season.

Julio Rodrigues said...

Excelente a representação das videiras após as vindimas. A bela ponte enriqueceu ainda mais esta cena tão expressiva. Bom Domingo.

Paulo J. Mendes said...

Não consigo dissociar a referida região destas belas pontes ferroviárias em alvenaria.
Um abraço e boa semana!!

RobCarey said...

Autumn is an amazing season. Your description here, and image, reflect what we are experiencing here in the Black Forest, but probably in a colder, wetter climate. The colors and smells and moods you capture so well.

Paulo J. Mendes said...

I agree, Rob, it's really a great part of the year. We are having some wet days now, but surely not as cold as there. Wish you and your family enjoy all the pleasures of Autumn :)

Rafael Carvalho said...

Logo que visualizei a aguarela, lembrei-me precisamente da região de Baião e do Marco. A ponte fez-me lembrar a Pala...

Paulo J. Mendes said...

Foi precisamente essa a inspiração, viaduto incluído :))
Uma boa semana!!