Friday, June 19, 2015

Outra curva / Another curve

Há muito que este casarão e respectiva capela me chamavam a atenção à passagem por Rio Caldo, às portas do Gerês, e era uma questão de tempo até os mimosear com o respectivo desenho.
A casa, com a sua planta em “U”, é bastante grande, algo que aqui não transparece por tê-la captado de um ângulo bastante lateral. Apanhar um pouco mais da sua volumetria, conforme era minha intenção inicial, significaria ter que me posicionar do outro lado da estrada, praticamente em cima de uma curva e onde não existe passeio.
For some time this big house and its chapel were calling for my attention at the passage by Rio Caldo, at the doorstep of the Gerês mountains, and it was a question of time until I contemplate them with a sketch. 
The house, with its U-shaped body, is pretty big, something that isn't reflected here since the view was captured from a pronounced side angle. Catching a bit more of its volume, as it was my former intention, would mean positioning myself in the opposite side of the road, just after a curve and with no side walk.


RobCarey said...

It is always great to see your paintings on location- so funny at first to see the cars in your drawings, but I love them!

Paulo J. Mendes said...

I spent years drawing imaginary scenes were cars were absent at all, but in the real world I guess it's better to get used to them, as they pop out everywhere :-) But still a lot to practice on those shapes and shiny surfaces :))))