Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Fountain path / O caminho da Fonte

Another village scene somewhere in the rocky mountains of Minho, at one of my favorite moments of the day, the afternoon end, with its special light when it happens on a clear sky. A woman returns home by the Fountain path with a basin of fresh laundry, probably washed in a local wash house.
Mais uma cena de aldeia, algures nas pedregosas montanhas do Minho, numa das minhas alturas preferidas do dia, o final de tarde, com a sua luz especial quando acontece num dia de céu limpo. Uma mulher regressa a casa pelo caminho da Fonte com uma bacia de roupa acabada de lavar, muito provavelmente num lavadouro das redondezas.
Fabriano cold-pressed 5"x 7" - 140lb (12,5x18cm - 300g/m2) paper
Available in my Etsy shop / Disponível na minha loja Etsy


Every Photo Tells A Story said...

What a lovely image, Paulo. And, you're right, the afternoon light brings so much warmth to any painting, and creates such beautiful shadows. I wonder if you live in a village like this one.

By the way, I looked closely at your profile image, too, and never realized you are kissing your adorable cat (a kitten then) Just thought it was your beard:)


Paulo J. Mendes said...

Morning and late afternoon lights are my favorites indeed, Nancy, and are especially beautiful in these mountain locations.
I live in the city actually, but downsizing my life, possessions and moving into such a village is something I've been dreaming for the last years. I don't know if I will ever make this dream real, as it's a decision I can't take individually, but however I'm grateful for my present life and these wonderful places are just a couple of hours from home, so I can visit them often.

You made me smile about my adorable "beard", which is now a grown-up little terrorist that, in response to my kisses, was just attacking my foot when I was reading your comment. But I know I will be kissing him again soon :)))

Have a wonderful week!

Kathleen Harrington said...

I'm sending you a bloggers award for Passion in Painting ...When you get a chance check my blog!

Paulo J. Mendes said...

Thank you so much for your kindness, Kathleen. My best wishes for you and your family's new member :))