Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A porta verde - Sessão 5 / The green door - Session 5

Com o desenho totalmente feito e aplicada a primeira aguada de fundo, é tempo de começar a pintar os vários detalhes, começando pela velha parede cheia de manchas e rachadelas, e pelos sítios onde a queda do reboco deixou à vista as suas “entranhas”. Dispersos como estão, estes poucos elementos ainda não parecem fazer muito sentido depois de pintados...
With the drawing fully made, and the first backgound wash applied, it's time to start painting all the many details, starting with the old stained and cracked wall, with some parts in which the fall of plaster left its “innards” to view. Scattered as they are, these few painted elements still doesn't seem to make much sense...

...mas tudo se aclara e começa a tomar forma quando aparece um elemento-chave: A janela, onde sobressai o que de escuro existe para lá do vidro. A mancha de humidade em redor da caleira ajuda a ligar tudo.
...but all becomes more clear and begins to take shape after a key element gets painted: The window, where the darkness beyond the glass stands out. The moisture spot around the gutter helps to bind everything.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy the step-by-step posts. Much appreciated.

Paulo J. Mendes said...

Thank you :))

ramona said...

Your work is so beautiful. I particularly love the "blemishes"on this building.

Paulo J. Mendes said...

Thank you, Ramona: A building full of blemishes is always an attractive subject for a painting; Congratulations on your beautiful & expressive work that I just discovered :))
Wish you a happy week!

ramona said...

!! Thank you so much:)