Sunday, December 7, 2008

The shale-built houses / As casas de xisto

Some of the most rustic traditional houses in our villages are built with shale, and sometimes may still have slate roofs. There is no lack of places in the Northern and Central Portuguese countryside in which this scene could take place...
Algumas das mais rústicas casas tradicionais das nossas aldeias são feitas de xisto, podendo em certos casos ainda ter telhados de ardósia. Não faltam locais no interior Norte e Centro do País onde esta cena poderia ter lugar...
Fabriano cold-pressed 5"x7" - 90lb (12,5x18cm - 200g/m2) paper


Mineke Reinders said...

Paulo, do you paint all these from memory and imagination? I am amazed at your eye for detail, your paintings are always full of "particulars" without ever being overwhelmed by them. They have great integrity, which I think comes from your knowledge of and love for your subject.

Julio Rodrigues said...

Esta aguarela lembra-me de Piodão que visitei há uns anos. Como sempre, as figuras humanas, os bichanos e os cachorros emprestam acrescentada vida a esta bela cena.

Paulo J. Mendes said...

Mineke, I use my memory and imagination in my paintings, but the inspiration always comes from the real and most beloved of my country's landscapes. I like to have the freedom to re-invent the architecture, people, animals and details that catch my attention.
It's also a good exercise to practice the observation skills.

Villager, apesar de nunca ter estado no Piódão, ele efectivamente está um pouco aqui, assim como outras aldeias do centro do País, onde creio que haja ainda muitos cenários deste género, p.ex, nas serras da Arada e da Lousã...

Have a nice day / Tenham um bom dia!!