Saturday, November 15, 2008

Vilarinho da Torre

I've been falling in love with the small mountain villages of northern Portugal, especially in the north-western Minho. It's been hard to resist any chance to run into them, especially now that some of the nicest are only a 90min. drive from home. The one we can see in the picture, as old as can be stated by the ruins of an ancient castle and which name is the title of this post, is ficticious as usual, but will give an idea of the beauty that can be found there, even if the sky is heavy, highlighting the gray tones of the granite.
Tenho vindo a apaixonar-me pelas aldeias de montanha do norte do País, especialmente no Alto Minho. Tem sido difícil resistir a uma oportunidade de correr até lá, até porque algumas das mais bonitas estão a escassa hora e meia de estrada. Aquela que aqui vemos, de uma antiguidade atestada pelas ruínas de um velho castelo e cujo nome é o título deste post, é fictícia como sempre, mas dá uma ideia da beleza que podemos encontrar, mesmo quando o céu está carregado e acentua o cinzento do granito.
Fabriano cold-pressed 5"x7" - 90lb (18x12,5cm - 200g/m2) paper
Sold / Vendido


Julio Rodrigues said...

Is that "Castanho e Mourisco"?
That's how oxen were always named when I was a little kid in Beira Alta.
The castle tower and the ermida, and the figures, look you paint from memory or from photos, nature, or all of them?
Belo trabalho.

Paulo J. Mendes said...

Maybe they are "Mimosa" and "Amarela", or other of the same kind which is usual to name these big but calm and sweet creatures...
All the works have been so far painted from memory... It's very fun to paint this way, as you can discover which are the details your memory really keeps is spite of a thousand others.
I would like to paint from nature in the future, and maybe I should create the habit of making sketches and taking notes. A lot can be learned this way!