Saturday, April 25, 2009
A day with grandparents / Um dia com os avós
Since don't have grandchildren and already “spent” all my grandparents, I do not know if peaceful scenes like this still take place in actual days, with computers and shopping centers distracting us from the simplest pleasures. One thing is certain: Unlike the one shown here, none of those modern forms of entertainment has the capacity of deploy the seeds from which in the future the sweetest memories will grow.
Como não tenho netos e já “gastei” os meus avós todos, não sei se pacíficas cenas como esta ainda têm lugar nos dias de hoje, em que os computadores e centros comerciais nos distraem dos mais simples prazeres. Uma coisa é certa: Ao contrário da que aqui se mostra, nenhuma dessas formas modernas de entretenimento tem a capacidade de implantar as sementes das quais no futuro nascerão as mais doces recordações.
Fabriano cold-pressed 5"x 7" - 140lb (12,5x18cm - 300g/m2) paper
Sold / Vendido
oh no!!! I may have to buy this one too!!!!I love her knitting and the little cars at the bottom of the steps. One for each boy.
ReplyDeleteDear Sheila, I am so sorry that there is already a buyer for this one... It became reserved immediately after the client saw the sketch, and it's just waiting confirmation. However, this is a kind of scene I love to paint, so you can expect similar others to come soon :)
ReplyDeleteYou're so right about modern forms of entertainment not creating sweetest memories for the future. And, that's sad for the children today.
ReplyDeleteSuch a warm and idyllic scene you've painted, Paulo. And, the best thing about these grandchildren is that you don't have to worry about having to babysit:)
Nancy, when I see today's children growing in apartment buildings on unfriendly urban environments, I feel fortunate for my memories... Memories and recollections are too misregarded in actual days, like if they were some sort of threat to the present.
ReplyDeleteYou're right, I don't need to worry about these two kids: Even if grandpas seem distracted by knitting and the football match on the radio, they're keeping a sharp eye, preventing them to escape into the nearby tempting river bank :)
A presença da rádio faz adivinhar a escuta de um possível relato de futebol... Será Domingo?!
E o avô ouve o relato do jogo…
ReplyDeleteOutro belíssimo antídoto para o stress.
I love this one two and if you hadn't sold it, I would have bought it also. I look forward to seeing future paintings like this. The home life is the best. Grandma knitting, Grandpa watching the children play as well as cat. The doors open and another cat is looking out. The door being open means they don't live in fear. Mi Casa Tu Casa. I wish life were still that way. We've lost so much in life. Thx for sharing such a beautiful painting.
ReplyDeleteRafael e Villager, não podiam estar mais certos: Esta pacífica tarde de Domingo faz-se acompanhar pelo mais característico dos sons domingueiros, o do rádio debitando o relato do jogo. E pela cor aplicada nas madeiras da casa, podemos adivinhar o clube do coração do bom velhote, que por sinal não é partilhado aqui por casa, o que só demonstra desportivismo :))
ReplyDeleteGloria, I will paint more peaceful scenes like this for sure.
I agree when you say that we lost so much in life... Fortunately, in my country, it is possible that you may still find a few places where such a scene could be seen, and where people can keep the door open, even if we actually have seen much better days in what concerns to safety.
Rafael, Villager and Gloria, I wish you a great weekend!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Rob.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful week!
I can only echo what others have said before. This is such a peaceful, idyllic scene, and so beautifully painted.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Mineke: This scene definitely became a favorite.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful week!