Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The beautiful fields of lower Minho / Os belos campos do baixo Minho

Today, you may need to look well to find an untouched stretch of the rural landscapes that gave Minho the reputation of being the most joyous and colorful region of my country, especially in its southern part where buildings of many kinds are adulterating the landscape, but this is how it still appears in my imagination.
Nos dias de hoje, talvez seja preciso procurar muito bem para encontrar intacto algum trecho das paisagens rurais que deram ao Minho a fama de ser a mais alegre e colorida das regiões do País, sobretudo na sua parte mais a sul onde construções de todo o género vão descaracterizando a paisagem, mas ainda é assim que ele aparece na minha imaginação.
Fabriano cold-pressed 7"x5" - 140lb (18x12,5cm - 300g/m2) papel
Available in my Etsy shop / Disponível na minha loja Etsy


  1. amazing... all those lines of plowed land and then those tiny women washing their clothes in the stream. This is beautiful!

  2. Thank you, Sheila. Although today no one washes the laundry in the river and these fields are becoming more rare, the region of Minho is still beautiful and I would recommend it to any visitor.

  3. E nós cá ficamos gratos por essa imaginação, que evoca todas as histórias que tenho lido de Julio Dinis, Camilo, Aquilino Ribeiro e outros. Que posso dizer? Sou um prisioneiro da beleza das aldeias Portuguesas de onde aqui se encontram os melhores retratos.

  4. Imediatamente me vieram à cabeça os "Serões da Província" e a risonha prosa do seu autor :)))
    Um abraço!!

  5. Sounds to me like Villager is saying something to the effect about your imagination with the history of the country and about only seeing it on pictures? Either way he is correct, You bring true beauty in your paintings of your country. Wonderful. I wish I could be there with those grapevines just walking by. Thanks so much.

  6. Villager was saying how this landscape evocates some Portuguese writers that described so well these places in their stories. I understand your feeling: These places are delightful to walk by, especially in sunny days, when the grapevines and streams provide the freshness of shadows, water and fruits. I hope one day you have the chance to experience it :)

  7. I've always felt paintings such as yours are a defense or at least a lodged protest against urban sprawl. Three cheers for that!!! Nice painting.

  8. There is truth in your words, Stephen: The rural world has never been so threatened in my country as it is today, and showing its past beauty is a constructive and gentle way of protesting it.
