Sunday, September 12, 2010

Small town with castle and church / Vila com igreja e castelo

When I posted the sketch for this work, I stated that there was "trouble" on the way, but did not realize how much it was true... I must have a masochistic side, because I get into these works for which I know in advance that will have no patience, and then end up steaming on all sides, for falling back into the same trap sooner or later. So it was once again with this one, started last Tuesday and finished already this morning, with my fuses blown and only willing to come to an end. Moreover, I imagined this scene in a day without sun, an environment in which I do not feel comfortable because the lights and shades are for me like the stars for the navigator; My brushes did not help either, because all of them have gone beyond the limits of usability ...
But enough lamentation. It's done. I can not tell if I like, maybe in a month I'll do, now simply cannot see it in front of me. I'll take a walk, do anything except painting in the remainder Sunday, in the certainty that the next work be more relaxed ...
Quando publiquei o esboço para este trabalho, declarei que estavam “sarilhos” a caminho, mas não imaginava o quanto isso era verdade... Devo ter um lado masoquista, porque me meto nestes trabalhos para os quais sei à partida que não vou ter paciência, e depois acabo a fumegar por todos os lados, para mais cedo ou mais tarde voltar a cair na mesma armadilha. Assim foi mais uma vez, com este que comecei na passada Terça-Feira e acabei já esta manhã, com os fusíveis queimados e já só desejando chegar ao final. Ainda por cima, imaginei esta cena num dia sem sol, ambiente em que não me sinto à vontade porque a luz e sombra são para mim como as estrelas para o navegador; Os pincéis também não ajudaram, porque qualquer um deles já passou para lá dos limites da usabilidade...
Mas chega de lamentações. Está pronto. Não sei dizer se gosto, talvez daqui a um mês ache que sim, agora nem o posso ver à minha frente. Vou dar um passeio, fazer qualquer outra coisa que não pintar no que resta do Domingo, na certeza de que o próximo trabalho vai ser dos mais descontraídos...
Lanaquarelle cold pressed 8"x 8" - 140lb (20x20cm - 300g/m2) paper
Sold / Vendido


  1. It's very good- but so many more details than you normally include. The personal touch in the foreground is the highlight, the interaction of the locals.

  2. Tudo no seu lugar - e nada fora do lugar. Lindo.

  3. Rob, and Villager, I'm glad you liked it. This one made me tired to finish, but maybe I'll appreciate it better soon :))

  4. I like the painting very much, but I will always remember your words here: "the lights and shades are for me like the stars for the navigator". Could I quote you on my blog? You're a wonderful artist and a creative soul.

  5. Thanks so much, and feel free to quote, dear Catherine. You can't imagine how I missed those stars in this painting :)))

  6. Paulo, I completely understand your preference for sun & shade; however, this scene doesn't hasn't lost an ounce of magnetism in all its detailed glory. Another masterpiece that I know you'll appreciate more in the morning.

    PS: I realized that 9 of your paintings adorn my walls now. I'm awaiting a custom 8x8" frame; the anticipation of having it displayed uniformly with the others is great. :)

  7. Valeu bem o esforço, Paulo! Eu também estranhei a falta do sol que faz brilhar tanto a "sua" vegetação,mas compreendo que neste caso particular as "estrelas" são mais arquitecturais e não tanto as celestes. Também reparei que é um 20x20... Mais espaço para atraír o artista para o abismo do pormenor :)) Obrigado por nos deixar vê-lo. Bom domingo para si e bem haja.


  8. As a friend wrote on my FB page, we need to come out of the box sometimes... It was hard but now the dust is settling down :))

    And you are officially a top collector of my works :)))

  9. Eduardo, agora que algum tempo passou, também começo a achar que talvez tenha valido a pena... Claro que continuo a achar que não me volto a meter noutra, mas já sei que mais tarde ou mais cedo isso vai acontecer. Enfim... Tinha que fazer a minha birra, se calhar faz parte do processo.

    Um abraço e boa semana :)))

  10. I understand that you must have missed doing the light and shadow - and you do them so well. But a cloudy, perhaps cool, day heading into autumn after a hot summer can be very refreshing in it own right. Marvelous detail as always. Work for you but joy for the rest of us! :)

  11. Thanks, Wakar: Actually I appreciate the beauty of cloudy days and don't want to give up on trying to express it, but I have to confess that the absence of shadow/light makes me feel a bit lost. Solution: Work more & more...

  12. Hi Paulo! I keep coming to your Etsy shop each time I get to your blog. You have very very good paintings there. Love them all.I've never been to Portugal, but by looking at your paintings I feel like I am there.

    Thank you so so much!!

  13. Hi, Irina: Thank you for visiting my blog and my shop. Hope you may have the chance to visit Portugal one day too :))
    Wish you a great week with lots of inspiration!!
