Sunday, August 29, 2010

Checking the mailbox / A ver se há correio

An old couple comes back home and, as usual, mail shall be checked, in search of any news of a distant relative, perhaps working abroad, or one of their sons studying in another part of the country, or something else ... There are so many possibilities that a few good lines could be filled here, although what really matters is if the news are good: To tell the truth, in these days, it's already a good news to find a postcard or a letter in the mailbox, a real letter, written by someone's hand, rather than the more probable bill or even the annoying advertisings, the paper equivalent of spam, which are also starting to reach these distant places.
Um casal de velhotes regressa a casa e, como habitualmente, há que verificar o correio, não tenha chegado alguma notícia de um parente distante, quem sabe a trabalhar no estrangeiro, ou então de um dos filhos a estudar noutra parte do País, ou então... Tantas são as hipóteses, que podia aqui encher umas boas linhas, quando o que realmente interessa é que as notícias sejam boas: Para dizer a verdade, nos dias que correm, já é uma boa notícia encontrar na caixa de correio um postal ou uma carta mesmo “carta”, escrita pelo punho de alguém, em vez da mais provável conta para pagar ou ainda a maçadora publicidade, o equivalente em papel do “spam”, que também já vai chegando a estes lugares mais distantes.
Fabriano Artistico rough 7"x 5" - 140lb (18x12,5cm - 300g/m2) paper
Available: Click here / Disponível: Clique aqui


  1. So pretty and peaceful... I always enjoy your work. You should be illustrating books and calendars, and all sorts of things! And Paulo, one of these days, I'm going to get you to visit my blog and see my work, too!

  2. Thank you, Katherine. I'm not sure if one day I'll illustrate books or calendars because I just like to work this way: In total freedom of ideas and no deadlines...
    And it seems that you sucessfully managed to get a new follower on your blog :))

    Obrigado, Geraldo. Votos de muita inspiração para os magníficos desenhos com que nos presenteia :))

    Have a great week!
    Uma boa semana!

  3. Good morning, Paulo. There's something so intimate about this particular scene. It's a gem of a painting (as all of yours are), and reminds me of Sunday morning, tradition, and a deep love.
    What could I tell you...


  4. Thank you: It makes me so happy if this painting could make you feel that spirit :))
    Have a great week!
