Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A small church / Pequena igreja

Few things are so distinctive in Minho than the small churches that can be found everywhere: Just go up a hill not too high and count them, because there will be certainly many on the horizon, small white dots among the green fields and scattered houses. Here we see one in the quietness of a sunny afternoon. As the front square is the meeting point for everyone, no wonder that in the front yard a decorative viewpoint was installed: There was a time when the "mirante" was the "TV" that would show the world closer, the one of the village centre: The one that really interested.
Poucas coisas são tão distintas no Minho do que as pequenas igrejas que se encontram um pouco por todo lado: Basta subir a um monte não muito alto e contá-las, pois haverá decerto inúmeras no horizonte, pequenos pontos brancos por entre o verde dos campos e o casario disperso. Aqui vemos uma, no sossego de uma tarde soalheira. Sendo o largo que lhe é fronteiro o ponto de encontro de toda a gente, não admira que no quintal em frente tivessem instalado um decorativo mirante: Houve um tempo em que o mirante era a "televisão" que permitia observar o mundo mais próximo, o do centro da aldeia, aquele que realmente interessava.
Fabriano cold-pressed 7"x5" - 140lb (18x12,5cm - 300g/m2) papel
Sold / Vendido


  1. Delightful as always! Love this viewpoint and how it walks you into where the church sits. Congrats!

  2. I want to live right there! It's very nice. Love the green tile, the ornate iron.

  3. Debbie, thank you: These attractive whitewashed small baroque churches are very common, although you can't find two similar ones: Wish you could really walk into one, as they are as delightful indoors, with their wooden altars gracefully sculpted and painted or covered with gold leaf.

    Nancy, these 19th century houses, with their colored tiles and beautiful ironwork in their gardens look like a dream to live in. It's not uncommon that they have also amazing interiors, with beautiful wooden doors, not to mention the elaborate stucco decorations in all ceilings.

    Debbie and Nancy, thank you and have a wonderful day!

  4. I agree with Nancy, I want to live there too. Great work Paulo.

  5. I imagine that each of these small churches would provide a perfect focal point for one of your paintings. This is delightful. After reading your descriptions of the interiors of these churches, I hope we may see one of these immortalized on paper one day too.

  6. Beautiful spot. The way you've drawn the image, it directs the viewer right to the church. Nicely done.

  7. Thank you, Gloria. These delightful old houses always have plenty of room, so it's very likely that you can share it with Nancy without any problem :))

    Mineke, you just guessed my thoughts, as I am getting interested in trying to paint a church interior. I may start with some sketches soon.

    Thank you, Rob: These bright whitewashed small churches are always very cheerful and eye-catching, especially in these luminous sunny days.

    Gloria, Mineke and Rob, I wish you all a wonderful day!!

  8. The light stikes the church beautifully. I get a real feeling for the time of day.

  9. There's nothing like a fresh shadow in a lazy sunny afternoon: Always an inspiring moment of the day :)

  10. Além da tão bela e típicamente Portuguesa igreja, eu notei a dramática perspectiva das casas que deve ter requerido um cuidado dobrado e que saíu perfeita.

  11. Paulo it is charming! I agree a fresh shadow is very inviting for a summer nap.

  12. Villager, acho que resultou bem porque quando fiz o esboço não pensei muito no assunto... Se estivesse com mil cuidados, como às vezes me acontece, é possível que também lá chegasse, mas o resultado talvez fosse mais "preso", ou forçado.

    You're so right: There's nothing like a suggestion of freshness like an inviting shadow in the hot days that are about to come :)

    Um excelente dia para ambos!
    Wish you both an excellent day :)
