Monday, March 30, 2009

A pink house / Casa cor-de-rosa

A rustic house painted in pink... Actually a good excuse to take advantage of all the textures and subtleties of its faded walls, but especially the walls of granite in the nearby yard: The rough and rustic beauty of the stone in fields and villages is something that fascinates me!
Uma casa rural pintada de cor-de-rosa... Na realidade um bom pretexto para tirar partido de todas as texturas e subtilezas das suas paredes desbotadas, mas sobretudo dos muros de granito no quintal ao lado: A beleza rústica e agreste da pedra nos campos e aldeias é algo que me fascina!
Fabriano cold-pressed 7"x 5" - 140lb (18x12,5cm - 300g/m2) paper
Sold / Vendido


  1. As texturas dominam aqui, especialmente a cal cor de rosa, o granito, e não esquecendo a porta de madeira…tudo soberbamente representado. Posso imaginar que as couves vão complementar a sardinha assada na fogueira de vides secas…
    Arriscando repetir-me…excelente trabalho!

  2. You captured the look of stucco perfectly! I love that expression of that dog as he's looking at you. And then there's that proud woman carrying the bounty from her garden. *sigh*

  3. Villager, as texturas dos vários materiais são qualquer coisa de fascinante: Eu chamar-lhes-ia de "micro-paisagens", uma vez que nuns centímetros quadrados existe tanto interesse para uma pintura como um vasto cenário...
    Certamente que aquela braçada de couves irá converter-se numa boa sopa "das antigas" :))

    Sheila, the stucco and the other wall textures are subjects so fascinating for painting: As I said to Villager, they could be called "micro-landscapes", as there is so much visual richness in such a few square inches.
    The cabbages proudly carried by the woman will make a tasty soup for sure: There is no farmland without them, in quantities enough to provide soup for all year :)

  4. Another great painting Paolo. Please check by my blog, I gave your blog an award. Steve

  5. Thank you for your words and your award, Stephen!

  6. Paulo--
    Another beauty. Great color. Love your doggy.

  7. Thank you, Terry. It was one of the most enjoyable to paint.
